Alfred tennyson biography and works

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    Alfred tennyson poems!

    Best summary PDF, themes, and quotes. More books than SparkNotes.

    Alfred, Lord Tennyson, is one of the most famous poets in English literature.

    Alfred tennyson biography and works

  • Alfred tennyson biography and works of art
  • Alfred tennyson poems
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  • Many of his poems are standards of 19th-century literature and are critical and popular favorites. The body of critical work on him is immense, and although some of his work is seen as too sentimental today, his intellectual contributions to poetry and metaphysics are undeniable.

    Alfred Tennyson was born August 6, 1809, in Lincolnshire, England, to George and Elizabeth Tennyson. The family was very large; eleven children reached maturity. Alfred's father was not wealthy, as his grandfather had made his younger son Charles his heir, leaving George to enter the ministry.

    Alfred tennyson biography and works of art

    Tennyson often worried about money throughout his life. Several of Tennyson's family members also struggled with alcoholism and mental illness, including his father, who grew violent and paranoid from excessive drinking in the 1820s.

    Tennyson left the family h