Madame bovary wikisource autobiography

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    Madame Bovary (Marx-Aveling translation)/Part I/Chapter II

    One night towards eleven o'clock they were awakened by the noise of a horse pulling up outside their door.

    The servant opened the garret-window and parleyed for some time with a man in the street below.

    Madame bovary wikisource autobiography

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  • He came for the doctor, had a letter for him. Natasie came downstairs shivering and undid the bars and bolts one after the other. The man left his horse, and, following the servant, suddenly came in behind her. He pulled out from his wool cap with grey top-knots a letter wrapped up in a rag and presented it gingerly to Charles, who rested on his elbow on the pillow to read it.

    Madame bovary wikisource autobiography summary

    Natasie, standing near the bed, held the light. Madame in modesty had turned to the wall and showed only her back.

    This letter, sealed with a small seal in blue wax, begged Monsieur Bovary to come immediately to the farm of the Bertaux to set a broken leg.

    Now from Tostes to the Bertaux was a good eighteen miles across country by way of Longuevil