Wilberforce university transcript request

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    Wilberforce university transcript request

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  • Wilberforce university transcript request parchment
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  • Official transcripts are issued by the University. An official transcript, which contains the signature of the University Registrar and the Wake Forest University seal, is a student’s official academic record.

    It contains all coursework taken while enrolled at Wake Forest University as well as transfer credit accepted. The transcript key provides additional definition and context for transcript content.

    Only the record holder can authorize/request an official transcript.

    Please note that for a student who has taken courses and/or has degrees at both the undergraduate and graduate levels, an official Wake Forest University transcript will include ALL levels of coursework (with the exception of School of Medicine and Graduate School Biomedical Sciences Programs coursework, which is provided only with an order for a School of Medicine transcript).

    Questions regarding transcripts should be directed to the Office of the University Registrar at 336-758-5207 or registrar@wfu.edu.Read o