Theodore roosevelt biography powerpoint samples
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Theodore Roosevelt - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
Title: Theodore Roosevelt
Theodore Roosevelts Square Deal
- The Main Idea
- Theodore Roosevelt used the power of the
presidency to push for progressive reforms in
business and in environmental policy.Theodore roosevelt biography amazon
- Reading Focus
- What was Theodore Roosevelts view of the role of
the president? - How did Roosevelt attempt to regulate big
business? - What was Roosevelts philosophy about conserving
the environment, and how did he carry out his
Roosevelts Upbringing
- Theodore Roosevelt was a sickly, shy youth whom
doctors forbade to play sports or do strenuous
activities. - In his teenage years, Roosevelt reinvented
himself, taking up sports and becoming vigorous,
outgoing, and optimistic.Theodore roosevelt biography powerpoint samples
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- Theodore roosevelt biography books
- Roosevelt came from a prominent New York family
and attended Harvard University. - He spent time in northern Maine and in the rugged
Badlands of North Dakota, riding horses and
hunting buffalo. - In 1884, when Roosevelt wa