Greek philosopher plato biography athens ga

  • Greek philosopher plato biography athens ga
  • Greek philosopher plato biography athens ga death

    Greek philosopher plato biography...

    Plato: Early Life and Education

    Plato was born around 428 B.C., during the final years of the Golden Age of Pericles’ Athens. He was of noble Athenian lineage on both sides.

    His father Ariston died when Plato was a child.

    Greek philosopher plato biography athens ga

  • Greek philosopher plato biography athens ga death
  • Greek philosopher plato biography
  • Plato's philosophy
  • Plato, philosophy summary
  • His mother Perictione remarried the politician Pyrilampes. Plato grew up during the Peloponnesian War (431-404) and came of age around the time of Athens’ final defeat by Sparta and the political chaos that followed. He was educated in philosophy, poetry and gymnastics by distinguished Athenian teachers including the philosopher Cratylus.

    Plato's Influences

    The young Plato became a devoted follower of Socrates—indeed, he was one of the youths Socrates was condemned for allegedly corrupting.

    Plato’s recollections of Socrates’ lived-out philosophy and style of relentless questioning, the Socratic method, became the basis for his early dialogues. Plato’s dialogues, along with “Apologia,” his written account of the trial of Socrates, are viewed by historians as the