Harold ekeh biography

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    Long Island High Schooler Accepted by All 8 Ivy League Colleges

    — -- A high school senior on Long Island has a big decision to make: He has been accepted to all 13 colleges he applied to, including all eight Ivy League schools.

    On March 31, when the official college decisions were posted online, Harold Ekeh logged onto his computer in Elmont, New York.

    The 17-year-old was shocked to discover he was accepted to all eight Ivies, as well as the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Johns Hopkins, Vanderbilt, New York University and SUNY Stony Brook.

    His mother was with him when the great news came in.

    "Everyone was so excited and surprised," he said.

    "The hard work paid off."

    Ekeh's impressive high school resume spans from conducting scientific research, to starting a college prep mentoring program, to serving as editor-in-chief of the newspaper and vice president of Model United Nations.

    But Ekeh's true passion is medicine.

    He says he pl