Brant fricker biography
Brant fricker biography death!
Brant fricker biography
Brant Fricker
Brant Fricker was known as a Piano Prodigy and Marketing Genius at a young age. He was a fatherless latch key kid being raised by a single mom, and he went on to become a recording artist, radio talk show host, author, television producer and personality, counter terrorism reporter, news anchor, television host and more.
Now this may seem an exaggeration until you discover that to Brant all of these roles were the same thing - being an encourager to the underdog. Brant's favorite quote is this: "History will be kind to me for I intend to write it!" - Winston Churchill.
That is exactly how Brant has lived his life and how he has touched the lives of people all over the world.
Brant is an animated highly interractive speaker who always includes humor, music, and high quality practical and effective information that gets results in the lives of his listeners.
Because of Brant's ministry background to all ages he can and does appeal to all ages and ba